Why Do I Need a Discussion Server?

Increase Internal Communication

Looking for a way to improve communication within your organization? CoffeeLink News Server is the answer! Use CoffeeLink News Server to set up as many newsgroups as needed to allow your employees to discuss ongoing projects. Or create newsgroups to post company wide announcements such as employee benefits information, new policy announcements, etc.

With Coffeelink News Server employees can post and read messages using their existing news clients (Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc) from anywhere in your organization or anywhere in the world if your server is on the internet. Does your company allow employees to work from home? With newsgroups telecommuters have instant access to messages from home or the office.

Newsgroups are an excellent alternative to email mailing lists for internal discussion. Newsgroup postings are centralized at the server and available to anyone. Newsgroup postings can include attached images, documents, or other information that needs to be shared by a large number of people, without taking up disk space on every user's disk drive.

Coffeelink News Server also allows access to newsgroups to be limited to only certain users. For example, access to a newsgroup for a project can be restricted to only those employees assigned to that project. Or an announcement newsgroup can be set up with unrestricted read access to everyone but with only certain individuals allowed to post to that newsgroup.

Communicate With Customers

Looking for a way to build customer loyalty? CoffeeLink News Server is the answer! People love to communicate. They enjoy discussing topics with others who share a common interest. Web sites are great for making the initial contact with a customer. But to build customer loyalty, companies need to build a thriving online community.

Many companies use email based mailing lists to build this sense of community. Mailing lists are easy because customers already know how to use email. But mailing lists ultimately fail because they fill each customer's in box with constant chatter. If you build a high traffic mailing list many customers will unsubscribe to clear out their in boxes! Web based forums are easy because they operate entirely in the browser. But most have primitive interfaces and require customers to learn how to use them.

CoffeeLink News Server is an ideal way to build an online community of loyal customers. Discussion groups in CoffeeLink News Server can be created and managed easily. Customers can read and post to groups using the same powerful news software that they use for Usenet news groups. There's no negative impact to your customer no matter how heavy traffic is in your discussion groups. There's no need to fear a spammer flooding your mailing list with junk email. And customers don't need to subscribe or unsubscribe. A simple link on your web site can bring most customers to your discussion groups with a single click!